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Nostalgia is hot.  Whether you remember VH1’s “I Love the 80’s” or spend your time reviewing old favorites on Buzzfeed, tapping into classic childhood memories is an immediate way to make an...

How we decorate our living space is a deeply personal reflection of what we want in our lives.  Whether it’s Maria Kondo-style, joy-sparking minimalism or a cluttered cacophony of color and knick-knacks,...

If you spend any time on Facebook right now, you might have seen your friends engage in the “How Hard Did Aging Hit You” challenge.  This is where you find your first...

On the popular TV show Big Bang Theory, annoying genius Sheldon Cooper takes the relatively boring topic of Flags and creates a web-show called Sheldon Cooper Presents: Fun with Flags.  This long...

Many employers claim that they want creative thinkers on their team. Unfortunately, when it comes time for these “outside-the-box” thinkers to shine their ideas are often deemed too risky. Since 2005, the...

The tee is a classic fashion staple with a fascinating history. It can remind you of a great night out with friends or take you back to the glory days. They can...

Each business decides to purchase employee uniforms through a different route. Is it a style choice? Are the uniforms for branding purposes? Do employees at competing or similar businesses all wear uniforms?...

Gary Chapman, the author of The 5 Love Languages, explains in his book that gift giving is a key way for some people to express love. For many, that’s why the holiday...