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Most everyone has a favorite holiday ritual. Giving gifts, decorating the Christmas tree or lighting the menorah can be wonderful family traditions. If you’re not careful though, they can pose hazards to...

If you swear the holiday shopping season starts earlier every year, you’re not just whistling Dixie. It’s a strategic move led by the biggest retailers, as this article from Skyword breaks down....

The holiday season is just around the corner and the giving of gifts is coming up faster than you may think. Choosing gifts for your employees doesn’t have to be a difficult...

You know it’s officially fall when pumpkin products are everywhere! Pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin-scented candles, and pumpkins available for purchase at grocery stores. If you’re looking for some festive pumpkin-themed crafts for...

Does your company’s logo need a refresh? You’re probably spending hours pondering what images or symbols your logo might contain. Like many companies, you might choose to use an animal in your...

A professional environment that suffers from low morale experiences less productivity, higher turnover, and less company profit. Some companies, especially small ones, think that they can’t afford to boost the morale of...