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Many employers claim that they want creative thinkers on their team. Unfortunately, when it comes time for these “outside-the-box” thinkers to shine their ideas are often deemed too risky. Since 2005, the folks at the magazine Make: have been doing their best to change this mindset. Dale...

Creating crafts can be a lot of fun, especially with a hobby that you’re passionate about. People new to DIY sometimes wonder where to start. This is especially true when you dive into jewelry design. Perhaps you want to make jewelry just for yourself. Or...

Fidget spinners, the small, wheel-like devices that quickly spin in your hand with a flick of your finger, have become insanely popular. People of all ages, but especially school-aged kids, love them. The fidget spinner became so ubiquitous on the playground and in the classroom that...

Dying eggs is a long-established springtime tradition. Eggs play a role in various religious or seasonal celebrations throughout history. There are various theories on how egg coloring came to be associated with the Christian celebration of Easter. However it started, people couldn’t always drive to...

I heard a friend say the other day she can’t remember the last time she bought a T-shirt. Yet she has dozens of them. We seem to just acquire T-shirts, perhaps from participating in marathons, attending conferences, or being really good at catching things fired...

Whether you’re attending a conference or having lunch with a potential client, an attractive promotional item can make you more memorable. Promotional products range from the familiar, like mouse pads and mugs, to the more unusual, like 3D puzzles and infusion shot glasses. Going the do-it-yourself...

There can be a lot of pressure to make Halloween perfect for your kids, especially when we find ourselves comparing efforts on Instagram and Facebook. However, creating a cute, memorable and unique Halloween doesn’t require spending tons of money or hours crafting. Consider adding a personal touch...

If your small business or organization needs a consistent a visual brand, there’s usually one particularly good candidate for creating and developing that brand: you. If you’re an active participant in your company or organization, or better yet are a founding member, then you don’t need...

Every once in awhile you see one. Among the solids, stripes and patterns there is another kind of t-shirt, it is something wild, something organic, something that forces the observer to ask “how did they do that?” It is the DIY tie-dye t-shirt.   But it is...