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St. Patrick’s Day is one of the most fun holidays to decorate for. Whether you want to decorate your storefront or plan a group activity for kids, pick the perfect St. Patrick’s...

There are very few things people can agree on when it comes to fashion. What looks appealing to one person looks tacky to another, and vice versa. Everyone has their own tastes...

Kids playing in the neighborhood know their mother’s yell when it is time to come in for dinner. With a special recognizable call, a farmer can signal their livestock, who immediately begin...

Deciding to Get a Classroom Pet Keeping a classroom pet benefits for both students and teachers. Animals are great additions to a classroom if you choose carefully. Pets teach kids about responsibility...

You may not peg yourself as the “creative type,” but the truth is everyone has the potential for creativity. Finding your creative side is just a matter of finding what inspires you...

There is something to be said for the ingenuity of a child’s mind. By encouraging our youth and giving them creative freedom we see what they’re capable of. Some of our everyday...

When a new generation joins the workforce, the workforce evolves. One highly visible change has been company dress codes. The American workforce has gone from suits, ties, and dresses, to business casual,...