Bring Back the Fun: Office Party Ideas for March

The third Monday in January is called “Blue Monday.”  Statistically speaking it’s the most depressing day of the year.  Overall, January and February are often boring, hard months.  New year can bring lots of work in many offices, grey weather and lack of fun can cause even the sunniest co-workers to feel a bit blah.

One way to shake off the doldrums is to start planning a few ways to have some fun.  Thankfully March offers a number of reasons to start shedding those layers and finding a reason to smile.

The most well known in March is St. Patrick’s Day.  For many this is a day to relax, celebrate any real or imagined connection to an Irish Heritage, and maybe even enjoy a wee dram of whiskey.  To bring some work appropriate fun, consider a few games.  Our Glow in the Dark Shot Glasses can be filled with various work appropriate beverages and the challenge by sight, smell and taste is to identify the most.  Use a common beverage like Kool-Aid with various flavors.  Since the cups are glow in the dark, you can even turn off the lights so only smell and sound can help identify the flavors.  At the end, give each employee a shot glass a little thank you for all their hard work.

Another fun office game – is a chance to design a new t-shirt for a team.  This is a wonderful tie-in to 3/26’s Make Up Your Own Holiday (yes, that really exists).  Order enough Tie-Dye T-shirts for all the staff and turn them loose with markers, paints and whatever else inspires them.  Find reasons to celebrate the season, the team or any recent accomplishments.  The t-shirts become a fun souvenir and reminder of what’s great about where they work.

March has plenty more reasons to celebrate so give your team a chance to shake off the winter blues and begin planning something that will make other offices, GREEN with envy.

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