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Students aren’t the only ones gearing up to go back to school soon, teachers are also getting ready for a new year with new students. While kids are returning to school with their own hopes and worries, teachers have an entirely different set of concerns...

Summer never seems to last long enough – the break goes by quickly, and then it's time to think about school again. But it's important to slowly introduce back-to-school routines before the vacation is over. Implementing these steps early helps prepare you and your children...

Many parents struggle with whether to give their child an allowance. But the questions extend beyond “yes” or “no.” How much should you give? And how often? Should allowance act as a sort of payment for helping around the house? Should the amount be tied...

Many schools, not just private ones, require students to wear uniforms. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, nearly 20% of all public schools have begun to require school uniforms. That’s up from 12 percent in 2000, according to the US Department of Education. What...

As rapidly as new technologies are continuing to emerge in general commerce, a similar momentum is occurring in school classrooms across the country. Desktop computers, laptops, tablets and other technologies have been finding themselves in the hands of school-aged children for decades. Now, however, technology is making...