winter activities

Fun Winter Activities with the Kids

Well, the weather outside may be frightful, but you don’t have to stay cooped up all day! This is especially true if you have little ones that are getting antsy. There are plenty of winter activities to keep adults and children busy. So zip up that snowsuit because we’re taking you outside with a list of fun things to do with your kiddos!


Staying Active in the Snow

Cold weather doesn’t exactly motivate anyone to stay active. But if losing weight is on your new year’s resolution list here are some fun ways to get in that cardio! When you play with your kids you probably won’t even realize that you’re exercising.

  1. Skipping is easy on a warm sunny day but have you ever tried doing it in the snow? Have a contest for who can skip the longest without falling down!
  2. Play freeze tag; quite the fitting activity on a day below 32 degrees. If the “it” person tags a runner, they have to freeze in place until another runner tags them back in the game.
  3. Have a snowball fight. You’ll get tons of cardio as you run away from those flying balls.
  4. Go sledding. Walking up those hills all day is a great workout for you and the kids!
  5. Play tackle football. It’s a much softer landing when you get tackled in the snow!


When There’s No Snow

Playing outside loses some of its allure without the magical coating of winter white. You can still find plenty to see and do. Take a hike. Play a team sport to get your blood flowing. Watch birds to see how they behave in cold weather. Look under a log to see what creatures take shelter there–just be sure to put it back!


Imagine That!

There are tons of great ways to get the creative juices flowing in the winter time.

  1. Pretend you’re a snow animal. Have fun walking around outside pretending to be a polar bear, a penguin, or a snow leopard. What other types of snow dwellers can you think of?
  2. Do you want to build a snowman? How about a snow caterpillar, a turtle, or even Pikachu? 
  3. If you don’t have good packing snow but you still really want that snowman you’re not out of luck. Try piling the snow in a mound. You can still decorate him like a normal snowman he just won’t be nice and round.
  4. Use that fresh white snow as a canvas! Grab a spray bottle and mix it with food dye, kool-aid packets, or a non-toxic liquid paint and see what kind of colorful artwork you can create.


Sometimes it’s Just Too Cold!

When the temperature is in the single digits or the negatives we understand completely if you just want to stay inside. Put safety first. There are plenty of indoor winter activities. In this instance consider bringing the snow to you. Fill up a large bowl with snow, and play with it from the comfort of your kitchen table!

  1. Mr. and Mrs. Potato head: Ball up the snow and make funny faces with this classic toy!
  2. Treasure dig: Do you have and shells or glass stones around your house? Mix these up in the snow and have your kids dig around until they find them all. If you don’t have any laying around the house they’re easy to find at any crafting store.
  3. Make a snow volcano. Not only is this fun it’s also a good age-appropriate science experiment for the days when schools are closed. Growing a Jeweled Rose has instructions on how to conduct this experiment.
  4. Bird feeders: Hollow out an orange, a grapefruit, or a squash and make bird feeders. In cold weather, birds may struggle to find food. Fill the skin with bird seed and hang it up outside with string. As a bonus, you get to eat the tasty insides as you make this fun little craft!


When you decide to come in or warm up those cold little fingers the fun doesn’t have to end! At the end of the day curl up with a warm cup of hot chocolate and read their favorite book with them. No doubt it’ll create a lasting memory for them that they will cherish for the rest of their lives.


PHOTO: Ina Hoekstra / CC0 Public Domain

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